Dual-band Beam Scanning Reflectarrays and Novel Wideband and Polarization Diversified Planar Antennas. (August 2008) Shih-Hsun Hsu, B.S., National Cheng Kung University; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. Kai Chang The reflectarray antenna has been considered as a suitable candidate to replace the Microwave Engineering Corporation | Omni-Directional Antennas L-BAND ANNULAR SLOT ANTENNAS. M.E.C.’s c390-152 L-band annular slot, flush-mount antennas feature an omni-directional azimuth pattern and high peak power handling capability. Its radiation pattern and gain are similar to a matched quarterwave monopole. This antenna meets MIL-A-25707 and is designed to IFF and/or TACAN applications. Compact UWB-MIMO antenna with metamaterial FSS decoupling In this paper, an UWB-MIMO antenna with frequency selective surface (FSS) decoupling structure is proposed. To realize antenna system miniaturization and integration, silicon material is applied as substrate. The proposed antenna becomes a very compact construction with dimension of 38.2 × 26.6 × 0.4 mm. The proposed broadband FSS unit consists of four split rectangles and one I-shaped strip. Draft Version A Reconfigurable Radiation Pattern Annular radiation pattern of the antenna. II. ANTENNA DESIGN AND OPERATION A. Annular slot antenna in DC operating mode Monopole antenna has been the subject of many classic studies for diversity in radiation pattern of an antenna. A monopole antenna has an omnidirectional radiation pattern which is essential for wide range of technologies. The
This antenna structure comprising essentially a stacked biconical horn array is commonly utilized to develop a field distribution having a uniform circular horizontal pattern.
Dual-band-notched antenna for UWB MIMO applications Two antenna elements are placed side by side and fed with matched microstrip lines on a substrate with an area of 35 × 30 mm 2. Notched characteristics at WiMAX (3.4–3.6 GHz) and WLAN (5.725–5.825 GHz) have been achieved using complementary split ring resonator (SRR) slots etched in both the antenna elements. Design and Analysis of a CPW-Fed Broadband Conical Design and Analysis of a CPW-Fed Broadband Conical Conformal Antenna p.1622. Analyzing p-MOSFET Lifetime by Employing R-D Model & MOS Device Theory and Miguel Ferrando-Bataller, A Broadband Pattern Diversity Annular Slot Antenna, IEEE Transcations on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 60 ... NaderFelegari and J. Nourinia, Broadband CPW-Fed ... A BROADBAND VHF-L BAND CAVITY-BACKED SLOT SPIRAL … a broadband vhf-l band cavity-backed slot spiral antenna 6. author(s) john l. volakis 5. funding numbers c - f30602-98-c-0233 pe - 63617f pr - 2317 ta - 08 wu - 04 7. performing organization name(s) and address(es) university of michigan ann arbor michigan 8. performing organization report number n/a 9.
Q134 Conformal Broadband Antenna - Harris
shaped stub with vertical slot cut to reduce mutual coupling among the antenna ... and receiving antennas to provide multiplexing gain and diversity gain, which ... shapes, for example, rectangular, roundabout ring molded, elliptical, which, when all is said in .... and Leandro Juan-Llacer, 2012, A Broadband Pattern. Diversity ... Performance of a Crossed Exponentially Tapered Slot Antenna for ... plications and it is further adequate for polarization diversity schemes. The antenna is ... printed broadband antenna, tapered slot antenna, ultrawideband ... of antenna impedance match, polarization, gain and radiation pattern over ..... [13 ] T. Ma and S. Jeng, “Planar miniature tapered-slot-fed annular slot an- tennas for ... Document downloaded from: This paper must be cited as - RiuNet - UPV excitation of broadband slotted planar antennas, addressing key issues such as .... characteristic magnetic currents of a rectangular aperture in an infinite perfectly ..... omnidirectional or directional radiation, pattern diversity, etc). In general ... Development of Compact Ultra Wideband Antennas - FERMAT diversity UWB and Bluetooth antenna for MIMO applications. At last, a ...... Juan- Llacer, “A Broadband Pattern Diversity Annular Slot Antenna,”. IEEE Trans.
US7583233B2 - RF Receiving and transmitting apparatuses having…
US3623114A - Conical reflector antenna - Google Patents A conical reflector antenna is disclosed with a feed that is either a close approximation to a line source or a cylindrical structure which is electrically equivalent to a line source.
A compact asymmetric coplanar strip (ACS)-fed ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna for diversity applications is presented. The proposed antenna is composed of two circular radiating elements and orthogonal ACS-fed mechanisms to achieve diversity performance across the UWB from 2.66 to 11.08 GHz, and occupies a very compact size of 28.5 × 28.5 mm2. By introducing a rectangular stub diagonally between ...
Annular Slot Loaded High-Impedance Ground Plane - ECE/CIS loop antenna over an annular slot loaded ground plane are shown in Section III. Section IV presents a parametric analysis of the ground plane’s effect using a numerically simulated broadband spiral antenna, including parametric analysis of the slot ring radius, slot width, substrate height, and substrate material. Q134 Conformal Broadband Antenna - Harris Harris’ Q134 Antenna offers the latest in fully conformal, low RCS antenna. The Q134 antenna capitalizes on Harris’ proven annular-slot technology providing a 3.7:1 operating bandwidth, which exceeds the useful bandwidth of most blades and other exposed apertures. In addition to the broad operating bandwidth, the Q134 also Compact ACS-fed UWB antenna for diversity applications A compact asymmetric coplanar strip (ACS)-fed ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna for diversity applications is presented. The proposed antenna is composed of two circular radiating elements and orthogonal ACS-fed mechanisms to achieve diversity performance across the UWB from 2.66 to 11.08 GHz, and occupies a very compact size of 28.5 × 28.5 mm2. By introducing a rectangular stub diagonally between ... Dual-polarization and dual-pattern planar antenna for ...